



At our December 2023 meeting we held the election of officers for 2024. “The new Chairperson of the Historical Commission is Stacey Carr; Vice-Chair is Colleen Anders; Acting Secretary is Stacey Carr; Financial Advisor is Margaret Waters; Trustees are Dick Waters and Mary Dumond. The Friends of the Village re-elected the same officers: President, Merilee Lawson, Secretary, Rosemary Bocek, Treasurer, Margaret Waters, Trustee, Mary Dumond and alternate trustee, Dick Waters.

At the Friends meeting, Merilee said the City wants the village to fix the driveway this spring to rid it of potholes. Although there have been previous attempts in the past to resolve the issue, nothing has been successful on a long-term basis.  The holes come back every year.  It is a danger to vehicles and walkers.  The recent popular horse drawn wagon rides on the 4th of July and at Christmas in the
Village may be discontinued if the issue is not resolved.  The road conditions are a danger to the horses.  We are looking for a contractor who knows how to fix our pothole problems.  Do you know of anyone who might be able to do this?  If so, let us know by calling Margaret Waters at 810-610-0796 daytime or Stacey Carr at 989-413-4929 evenings or weekends.

Bats kept the Hopson-Hornak log house closed for the 4th of July.  Thanks to Gary Molar for working on ridding them so we were able to open for school tours and for Christmas.

The Bunkhouse flooded last spring. Lots of work was involved in cleaning up the river mud.  Improvements have been made so items can be stored higher.  The bunkhouse storage has helped us to organize other storage areas in the village buildings.

So far this year we have 4 weddings booked.  We had 10 weddings in 2023.  We had 9 classes of second graders from the Owosso schools in the fall as well as the Byron area home school co-op classes.

Todd Dumond did some electrical work in the town hall for us including a dusk to dawn outdoor light. His brother, Terry, will be working on building new flower boxes for the village.  SLH Metals made, donated, and installed a donation box in front of the township hall in June.  You are all appreciated.

The hot summer again kept working outside to a minimum. We were not able to hook up the river watering system.  A new pump will have to be purchased this spring. Watering flowers continued to use rainwater in the cauldrons.  A thank you to Chris Fulton for continuing taking care of the Hopson-Hornak herb garden.  We could use more help with our gardens.

We had a community service worker last summer and fall that helped a lot for a few hours most days.
Another one worked 4-5 hours a day helping to take down and store the Christmas decorations.  Both were excellent workers.  Lawns were kept cut by Don McCurdy and Mike Carr, Derald Cramner put new shingles on the mower shed, the church arch, and the WDK garage as well as other village work. A thank you to those men and to all who helped put up and take down Christmas decorations as well as those people who volunteered their time to be docents in the village.  You are appreciated.

I have included renewal envelopes for those who have not renewed their memberships for 2024.  Thanks to all those who have already renewed.  You are all much appreciated.